Descrição do Projeto: O projeto YMI promove a participação de crianças e jovens autistas em atividades desenvolvidas por estruturas comunitárias, em termos de igualdade com os seus pares, graças ao apoio de “jovens mediadores” para promover a inclusão social. A parceria YMI reúne quatro associações internacionais e foi criada sob a coordenação da associação portuguesa, Inovar Autismo. Três outras associações de autismo incluem; (Autismo Burgos de Espanha, Diversamente ODV de Itália e Autism-Europe da Bélgica), a ISCTE Business School de Portugal e a IntermediaKT da Grécia, uma organização sem fins lucrativos que trabalha no ensino profissional, formação e inovação. O YMI visa: conceber e testar uma metodologia piloto inovadora de forma a incluir crianças/jovens no Espectro do Autismo na comunidade regular com outras estruturas de crianças/jovens; formar “jovens mediadores para a inclusão”; formar técnicos e demais colaboradores de todos os parceiros da comunidade, de forma a garantir a plena participação das crianças/jovens com autismo; conceber um guia europeu para a inclusão de crianças/jovens com autismo.
Data de início: 2019
Financiamento: Erasmus+
Produtos do Projeto:
1.YMI Final Conference and last partners´ meeting in Brussels
On July 5 and 6, the partners met in Brussels (Belgium) to hold the last transnational partners meeting where we could review the project and organise the next steps. Also, the Final Conference took place in the European Economic and Social Committee and we counted with Ana Sofia Antunes, Secretary of State for Inclusion from Portugal.
After 3 years working together to develop the YMI project, the final conference has taken place in Brussels at the European Economic and Social Committee.
YMI partners presented the European guides and app, the two main outcomes of the YMI project. We could also get first-hand testimonies from mediators, autistic people and their families that have already tested the tools. It was clear that the figure of a mediator is key for the inclusion of persons with disabilities in the society. We would like to thank European Disability Forum, Inclusion Europe and European Platform for Rehabilitation for contributing to the conversation!
2. “A happy journey through life” – Young Mediators for Inclusion project partners joined Autism-Europe’s campaign for World Autism Awareness Day 2022
At the heart of Autism-Europe’s current campaign is promoting the needs and wishes of autistic people and their families with regard to key issues such as access to personal choice, education and employment. The campaign is also indicating that adequate support for inclusion in the community, independent living and access to health are vital to ultimately improve quality of life of children and adults on the autism spectrum. This illustrates that a holistic approach is needed across the lifespan to ensure autistic people can live happy and fulfilling lives.
During their transnational partners meeting in the beginning of April in Sardinia, Italy, partners got ready to join the campaign.
The project Young Mediators for Inclusion where Autism-Europe joined partners from Portugal, Spain, Italy and Greece, aimed to improve the inclusion of people on the autism spectrum in the community. This was successfully achieved by training young mediators that assist young autistic people to participate in non-formal or extracurricular activities. After all, inclusion in the communities leads to a better quality of life of autistic people in line with their “happy journeys through life.”
3.“SEMINARY NATIONAL YMI” Erasmus +, Young Mediators for Inclusion of people with autism
The National Seminar was held online, due to the pandemic situation. A total of 48 participants attended the Seminar.
We presented the Project, objectives, target audience, development and results so far, inlcuding Literature review, Focus groups with Autistic people and Focus Group with Families, Expert round table, Collaborative Design of the courses, Implementation of the courses, Internships and Evaluation, with special attention to the first- person testimonies of all the people involved in the Project.
The second part of the Seminar provided a discussion about the Mediation for Inclusion and Perspectives or the future, with the participation of experts from the University, National Agency, Private Association and Foundation, City Council and Diversity Service.
The Closing session included the virtual Delivery of certificates of the courses I and II for Mediators and Technicians, the Satisfaction Questionnaires for parents, and the presentation of Conclusions of the Seminar collected.
The Cultural moment was a video session presenting inclusion demonstration with people with autism, their artistic works and their activities of social inclusion, inlcuding a video made by themselves showing the winning of a prize in an IT competition.
Testimonies of Families and Mediators:
“congratulations for this fantastic congress, it even made me cry”
“to tell the truth, I hesitated to participate because of the workload I had, but now I can say that I´m really satisfied to have participated”
“it has been a very enriching experience, and there has been coordination at all times”
4.Report of Critical Factors’ identification for the Success of Inclusion of Young People in the Autism Spectrum in Community Activities